Celebrating the Historic TFL 44 Deal
On May 3, 2021, Huumiis Ventures Limited Partnership, beneficially owned by the Huu-ay-aht First Nations, and Western Forest Products announced the completion of Huumiis’ acquisition of an incremental 28 per cent ownership interest in TFL 44 Limited Partnership. Now, Huumiis owns a 35 per cent ownership interest in TFL 44 LP, with Western owning the remaining respective 65 per cent.
The finalization of this next step in the transaction is a historic milestone and positive step forward towards economic reconciliation.
Watch the virtual celebration video with messages from Huumiis Ventures LP, Huu-ay-aht First Nations, Western Forest Products and the United Steelworkers, along with greetings from BC Provincial Ministers, local government representatives and indigenous leadership.
See the leaders and speakers participating in today’s virtual celebration below:
0:00 Introduction to the celebration: John Jack, Huu-ay-aht Executive Council